
We are looking for..


  • What's next?

    Our team will contact you if we liked your website, we will ask you to provide us with your analytics read-only access, then we'll conduct further audits.

  • How do we calculate your website worth?

    We usually buy web assets for the sum of 20-35 months of revenue. For example, if your website generates an average of $1,000 per month, we usually pay between $20,000 and $35,000.

    We use other factors to determine if we would pay the minimum, the maximum of something in between, like language, niche, market demand, historical data, operating costs..

  • How secure is this transaction?

    We use third party services to secure the transaction. We have used these services for years without any problems to both sides (Yakooot and Sellers).

  • How do I get paid?

    Credit card or PayPal.

  • Can i sell multiple digital assets?

    If you have more than one quality website, you are free to submit all. 

  • Can you buy me e-commerce site?

    No, we only buy informational, systems and community sites at the moment.

Sellers Feedback

  • A great team that keeps a promise. Excellent communication, transactions were done on time.
    Timothy Mdave
    United States
  • Very smooth transaction, skilled and trustful buyer.
    Thomas Armand